X’mas Home Party

Artist Notes
8 min readDec 31, 2020


2020聖誕節Thisis Yali Studio 轟趴


Being able to throw a small party at my studio is one of my goals in 2020. It's just because I love to have people gathering open gifts or decorate the Xmas tree. I love this holiday because people have reason to gives hugs and send love! This is a really difficult year and we are very grateful to live in Taiwan and live a normal life. I wish to gather people that I haven't been able to spend time together and celebrate together.



It's a really small space for 10+ people so I have to make sure every guest got some corner to sit. And since this is Xmas time, so definitely cant make my guests feel hungry! Salad, cake, bread, and cookies to keep people's mouth busy!


The events for that day were Mini Wreath DIY, Palm wine testing, and movie time!


Here are two corners for the exhibition showcased some of my art from the past, just to spice things up and keep them busy.


Activity 1 Mini Wreath




Here are the materials for the first activity, making the Xmas Wreath. It's about 3000 NT dollars to get all of them

Thick dry vine, Eucalyptus, China brier, Sweet Acacia, Deodar Cedar, Taiwan Pine.. but feel free to just design with any of the materials that can dry as and still hold the shapes.



Step01: Soak the vines in water 30–60 mins before start bending.


Step02: Start designing the mini bouquet with the materials above, just to make sure there are layers and contrast and tie together tightly with strings.


Step 03 Start making the vine and sting to circle the wreath.


Step04 Tie the bouquet with the wreath with strings and decorate more if necessary.




Activity 2 Palm wine testing

So this is a wine product testing for people to learn a bit about palm wine and also provide some insights for the wine developer for their future product.



It was one of the best days of 2020 even though it cost a lot but I get to see and say thank you to those people who I haven't seen in ages, you guys smile and laughter make the end of 2020 amazing! I will think about making another open day next year, but first happy new year to all of you!



Artist Notes
Artist Notes

Written by Artist Notes

Hi 我是Yali,專長攏溜連,嘔噁寫寫人生不務正業小事。Hi I’m Yali sometimes I write about my Soho life and how I draw outside of the lines.

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